Preventing Periodontal Disease for Optimal Wellness and Disease Prevention

Periodontal disease is a prevalent chronic infection among adults today that can impact a person’s health significantly. Although it may not be a primary cause of mortality in the US, it has a direct connection to major causes of death and comorbidities such as heart attacks, stroke, cancers, Alzheimer’s/dementia, and diabetes.
The teeth are supported by the periodontal tissue, which consists of the gums and bone around them. Inflammation of the gums, characterized by redness, puffiness, and bleeding, is known as gingivitis. When the gums begin to recede and affect the bone levels, it is referred to as periodontal disease. The mouth contains up to 1500 bacterial species that form the oral microbiome. When the balance of this microbiome is disrupted, acid-producing bacteria take control, lowering the pH and affecting the hard and soft tissues.
Oral hygiene plays a significant role in periodontal health. However, other factors such as a pro-inflammatory diet, stress, type of oral pathogenic bacteria, occlusal forces (bite), mouth breathing, sleep-disordered breathing, gastric reflux, vitamin deficiency, tobacco and toxin exposure, medications and salivary content, blood sugar dysregulation, and autoimmune conditions can also impact the periodontium.
To diagnose periodontal disease, dental professionals evaluate each patient through clinical representation, radiographs, and salivary testing. Based on these findings, an individualized treatment plan and product recommendations are developed to promote periodontal wellness. If a patient is not responding to treatment, further investigation is done to identify the underlying cause.

Evaluating Periodontal Wellness and Diagnosing Problems

When it comes to periodontal health, our focus is on addressing the underlying causes of issues. During our thorough clinical exams, we assess symptoms, conduct comprehensive examinations to identify any signs of deterioration, and perform saliva tests for further evaluation. This comprehensive approach enables us to create personalized treatment plans and suggest specific products that promote optimal periodontal health.


Prophylaxis or regular cleaning.

Cleaning visits are scheduled at regular intervals appropriate to each patient’s needs.

Scaling and root planning.

These non-surgical, deeper cleaning methods effectively remove calculus and bacteria from the roots and pockets of the gums. We may use anesthesia to make the process more comfortable and may suggest antibiotics based on the type and levels of pathogenic bacteria present, because the cleaning can release bacteria into the bloodstream.

Air flow and guided biofilm removal.

Used in conjunction, air flow and guided biofilm removal techniques are highly effective in eliminating bacteria and promoting oral health. Air flow involves the use of a specialized machine that projects a mixture of air, water, and fine powder particles onto the teeth, effectively eliminating plaque, stains, and deposits. This technique, along with guided biofilm removal, targets the removal of harmful substances and contributes to improved dental hygiene.
For advanced cases of periodontal disease, we refer our patient to a periodontist who specializes in laser treatments and periodontal surgery.


Salivary Testing - A Very Powerful Preventive Tool

Salivary testing tells us if a patient has harmful bacteria in their gums. Bacteria can travel in saliva to the gut and cause inflammation. Inflammation can damage the gut lining and let more bacteria into the body. Inflamed gums can also let bacteria into the bloodstream, causing more inflammation. These harmful bacteria are linked to many chronic diseases. Our goal is to remove these bacteria to improve overall health.

If you’d like to know more about salivary testing,

Ozone Therapy - A safe, comfortable and effective way to treat the teeth and gums

Ozone is a non-toxic, naturally occurring element that has powerful antimicrobial properties. Ozone can break down the bacteria that lives around the teeth and in the pockets which causes harmful bacteria and viruses to die. This makes ozone a very effective tool for treating periodontal disease, infected tooth roots and other dental issues. It is also a very safe and effective “pre-treatment” for fillings and sealants.

Gut Health - An unhealthy oral microbiome can mean an unhealthy gut microbiome too.

Do you experience bad breath, build-up around your teeth, or gums bleeding despite your regular oral hygiene routine? This may be related to your gut health. Some people experience mild to severe gut symptoms like stomachaches, bloating, and constipation when their gut health is compromised. A simple test can tell us if your gut is is out of balance. The D3 hormone, also known as Vitamin D3 is a contributor to our gut health. The optimal range for adults or children is typically 60-80 ng/ml. Anything above or below this range can cause symptoms that have a huge impact on your overall health. Vitamin D3 is absorbed from the sun by our skin and transported to the gut where it works with four bacterial species to create eight growth factors known as the B vitamins. The gut thrives when these vitamins work together in the correct amounts. Vitamin D3 and the B vitamins work together to reset the gut biome, which directly affects the oral microbiome. There is a specific protocol for accomplishing this, which includes taking vitamins, retesting levels, and monitoring improvements in blood levels, sleep, energy, pain, and mood to determine the proper individualized dose that keeps you in the optimal health range.

The Importance of Maintaining
Optimal Periodontal Health

Maintaining optimal periodontal health is crucial for preventing a variety of chronic diseases, and involves understanding the oral microbiome, diagnosing potential issues, and seeking appropriate therapies and treatments. By paying attention to your periodontal health, you can not only improve your oral health but also enhance your overall well-being.